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Add Kroger Digital Coupons to Your Shopper's Card

Are you a regular customer of Kroger store? Are you a cardholder of Kroger Shopper's card? If yes, you can now go to the website www.Kroger.com/digitalcoupons and sign into your Kroger.com account or set up a Kroger.com account to add the digital coupons directly to your card so that you can save your money on your next purchase on the corresponding items.

How to add your coupons:

When open the provided website link, you can  see a list of various grocery coupons such as Turkey Hill Ice Cream coupons, Hormel coupons, Lucky Charms coupons, Bounty coupons, Tide coupons and more.

If you have a registered Kroger.com account associated with a valid Shopper's Card number, just click on the "Sign In to load" button to access your account and add the coupon your like. If you don't have an account, you need to follow the instructions to create your own account and your Shopper's Card information.

Click here to sign in and load now!

Once you've loaded your coupons, bring the card with you when you go to your local Kroger store. When check checkout, present the card to the cashier, so you can enjoy the money-off savings.

There are hundreds of coupons waiting for you. A limit of 150 coupons can be added per card. Limit one use for each coupon.

See more details at www.Kroger.com/digitalcoupons!

For more questions about your coupons, call Kroger Customer Care at: 1-888-553-3003!

About Kroger Digital Coupons Program:

It is a convenient way to load grocery coupons and member only savings directly into the members Shopper's card, so that you will not have to print & carry any paper coupons when you shop in-store. All the Kroger Shopper's cardholders are eligible to join the program.